Junior Bender


My good health continues.

As does my desire to ride this happy rainbow as long as I can.

This weekend seemed like a mini bender actually. On Thursday I golfed the annual Button Brothers Tourney and then went in with Hal and my long time pal Gary to the Tom Baker for my chemo session. I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to play 18 holes and the chemo session was a little sketchy as Hal and Gary considered themselves to be 82% of the attention span of Tracey. Fortunately I kept one eye open during the session as there were three mistakes made that I was able to catch during the procedure. My final 18%,was all that was needed to make one Tracey.


Friday somehow spontaneously turned in to a brewery tour of Born Colorado and Banded Peak followed by the Village Brewery Staff Lawn Bowling bonanza! I even went out for a drink after with the Village team. The bender part was that I had five beers, the non bender part was that I was in bed by 10:30. 


As a side note, my oncologist had been pressing me hard to put on weight and has given me permission to absorb the calories through alcohol...I’m off the wagon! 

On Saturday I had an amazing reunion with my University pal Jay Polowin and his wife Anusha. Coffee was followed by a very interesting lunch meeting about an initiative I may take on (details to follow if I do proceed). But of course Saturdays highlight had to be the annual neighbourhood parents and kids soccer tournament sponsored by Fuzeium and hosted by the Milley’s. My team came in second again, always a bridesmaid.  Fortunately I was teamed up with my son Jack and we dominated the beer pong. Seemed quite natural as a father son team.


Today was the final day of my bender. Terry, Darin and Jane dropped in for breakfast and we watched the Germans lose their first game of the World Cup.

And in the category of best way to round out the weekend the Button family convened out at Bowdarosa for dinner, croquet and bocce.  Always good to be around family.

Damn this feeling good thing is exhausting, how do you Benigns do it day after day!! 


Itchy Scratchy

Are you sure??