Very Nervy

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.

Not exactly sure what is happening but am pretty sure I have a good idea. My elbows have a rash and now my heel has the same thing. I think every spot on my body that has bone close to skin will soon be experiencing the same thing. And I think it’s the body stressing out due to the chemo. And I’m sure it’s neuropathic pain.

Damn nervy of this chemo to keep adding challenges.

Get it, nervy. Neuropathic. This stuff writes itself.

If it was just the rash I’d be ok with it, I’ve had so many rashes over the last 3.5 years that I’ve gotten comfortable managing it.

But this is different. Very different indeed. With the rash comes considerable pain. Like shingles pain but more electric if that makes any sense.

I cannot touch my elbows to any surface, and when I absentmindedly do I get a good rush of pain and adrenaline. But I’ve gotten used to it and was just going to ride it out, until last night.

I woke up at 3:14 am with electric jolts throbbing in my heal. They would arrive, make me wince then subside after 10 seconds. And this went on twice a minute all night. And holy fuck (sorry) does it ever fucking (sorry again) hurt. And at present I have no clue how to stop it.

Remember when you touched your tongue to a 9v battery and received a shock; well this would be the equivalent of hundreds of those at the same time.


I have a call into the oncologist to see what can be done. In the meantime I may be wearing flip flops.

That should go over well at the fundraiser tonight. Wonder if it’s too late to make a Hawaiian theme?

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