Left to Right: Tom Stuart , Pamela Heard, Tony Spoletini, Jim Button,Gerry Forbes Bret Hart.
Last night Village Brewery hosted their 7th Annual Village Nutraiser, a fundraiser for the Prostate Cancer Centre. We’ve raised over $60k over the past six years and the event and concept is oddly one of the favourite crazy ideas Tom and I have concocted to date. It was certainly a ballsy move.
Ironically on the second year of the event I was proud to stand up on stage and let people know that it was one of the surgeons from the centre that took out my cancerous kidney. Karma was obviously on my side yet again. All of a sudden raising funds for an organization that is 99.9% privately funded became oddly personal. And even more interesting is that I get to attend as a guest as I’m on sabbeertical.
I am always profoundly honoured when such great people line up to pay $100 for a beer made with bulls testicles. Also very ballsy.
And I’m equally honoured when great Calgarians like Julie Van Rosendaal, Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart, Tony Spoletini, Bill Brooks, Mike Morrison, Christy and Fraser and of course Brett Wilson who put up a big chunk of change to initially fund the centre, come out to support by making their beer or act as hosts. It’s humbling.
But maybe the most humbling was a song. A song titled Bulls. Balls. Beer that was written and produced for our little nutty affair.
It’s gestures, and effort, like this that makes your heart swell three times the size (name that reference?). The world is made up of so many beautiful people, many of whom are listed above and below.
And to make things even more awesome this tune will be loaded on iTunes starting Sunday, with all download proceeds generously going to the Prostate Cancer Centre as well.
Thank you to all involved, you make my balls glow. And I’m not even being rude…
Contributors: (aka: Jim Button Band)
Mike Little songwriter, production, keys
Chris Byrne songwriter and bass
Russell Broom on lead guitars
Ben Bradley on drums
The “Hello Darlins” :
Candace Lacina songwriter and vocals
Loree Macdonald background vocals
Steph Chapman background vocals
Jeremy Meilke vocals
Murray Pulver, aux guitar
Paul Yee, mix
Mandy Stobo, Cover Art
Donation link: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E347030QE&id=13
Cheers from Jim and Terry