Still Awesome


When you ask me how I’m doing I’m still going to say awesome. I really want to be positive through this journey and I think this will be helpful.

But know this, behind the awesomeness is a chemo drug that feels an awful lot like the first drug I took 3.5 years ago - Pazoponib.

That chemo treatment created a dark depression, took away my tastebuds, created a very sensitive tongue and threw in some open mouth sores. My muscles and joints felt like they were on fire, my fingers and feet were ridiculously sensitive and started to peel. My head was full of a debilitating fog and my body and mind were fatigued like I’d been on a treadmill forever.

So in short I’m awesome, but feel like Cabozantinib is the dirty cousin of Pazoponib.

Sooooo, when you ask I’ll still answer awesome.

See what I did there. I still get to say I’m awesome.

Shoulda been a lawyer.

Voice Lessons
