I now suspect it’s a clash between a duodenum a pancreas and a tumour as it looks like things have gotten worse not better since last post.
I am having a GI meeting tomorrow with my GI Dr.M. followed by an endoscopy or ERCP on Wednesday to have a look and see what’s the what.
In the meantime I have been ramping up pain meds as the days go on. Taking hydromorph quite often as all I want to do is get through the next to Wednesday. Can’t focus on anything else as this is supercalifuckalisticsomethingdoesis pain.
If you’ve been reading the blog you know I avoid painkillers as I have a need to be able to identify the source so I can report my findings to the Drs to solve the problem. But the pain is debilitating and I’ve lost focus.
Writing this took an hour. But it was a distraction and that helped. Going back to meditate but I’m even having a difficult time doing that.
Cannot believe I am this excited to have this procedure.
Remember kids. DO DRUGS.
But stop before they become an addiction.
Helluva mantra isn’t it.