Sometimes you just gotta feel all the feels. The good feels, the sad feels maybe the exasperated feels or even the I’ve run into a wall and don’t feel like fighting all the feels feels.
The latter is where I was on Sunday. I had enough of all the feels and finally decided to give into the moment and let the crummy feels wash over me.
The ongoingness of the chemo side effects, especially the itchy burning skin being the most irritating, in combination with the sinus infection, alongside the covid vaccine all culminated in the perfect storm of feeling overwhelmed.
So instead of fighting through it like I usually do I instead decided to revel in my own misery and just do nothing.
Tracey of course spotted my malaise and asked if she could do anything and I responded “no thanks, I’m just going to sit here and feel all the feels.”
So that is all I did for the day, I sat and felt the feels.
Then. I went to bed..
Yesterday I felt much better. Not sure if it’s cause I spent a day feeling all the feels and purged some demons, or if it’s cause I simply didn’t want to have another day of feeling the feels. Instead I walked with my pal Jeff then hung out with my family out in Springbank.
Those were better feels. And I am again reminded that you need the crummy feels to acknowledge the good feels.