Here is a list of my top observations as we leave 2021 and slide into 2022.

  1. It’s all in how you look at it. Mindset is everything. I have so many side effects and challenges from chemo and the cancer that I know I could easily go into a fetal position and stay in bed all day. Actually, I do have a nap every day but that’s one of my rejuvenation tactics so I see it as a positive energy producing action vs a retreat into isolation. My attitude is the one thing I can control, and when I’m on my game all the cancer related and Covid related issues are manageable.

  2. Keep moving. As soon as you stop moving everything starts imploding. 2021 and 2020 could have been extremely isolating as an immunocompromised individual but instead of hiding I walked every day with many different people. Not only is it good for you mentally to move, but physically as well, just ask my bowels.

  3. Be intentional. Every day you have to think about what is important to you and intentionally put that plan in motion. Living with cancer means you continually have to make adjustments, whether they be from side effects or from physical/mental challenges that come along with the disease. Be intentional in addressing how you want to approach these daily challenges and the odds are in your favour when it comes to positive outcomes.

  4. Be Happy. This may seem obvious, and it’s kinda tightly wound to number 1 above, but being happy is very important. And yes, I believe you have to be conscious of your happiness as something you want to focus on. Being happy most likely means you will have a happy lifestyle, a happy family and happy friends. You will be less stressed, less pain and probably can boost your immune system. Happy begets happy. As a test I suggest you put a smile on your face and see how long you can stay grumpy…

  5. Be Grateful. Having gratitude to what you have is probably one of the more important observations I’ve experienced during my journey. I’m truly grateful that I am grateful as I know it creates positive emotions, recognizes those that support me and helps me deal with the adversity. I am so ridiculously grateful for Tracey, Jack, Amanda and all my friends that are in my life. I’m grateful for our medical system; my doctors and nurses and administrators; I’m grateful for Constance for her financial advice and for navigating my disability claims; I’m grateful for my pharmacists and I’m grateful for each extra day.

  6. Get outside. I cannot tell you how important this one is, and yet it’s so obvious. Or at least it was obvious when we were young and outside all the time. The fresh air, the sunshine, the trees and rivers all make me smile. I love the smell, the sounds and the vibrations. When I am feeling really lousy, and I just want to lie in bed and pout all I have to do to change my mind is go outside and soak in mother nature.

  7. Get outside your negative head. Oh man, the more you stay inside your own head the more trouble you can manifest. And once you start on a negative path you just spiral exponentially on the negative vibes. One of my best examples of doing this is when I focus on the FOMO of it all. During covid I’ve excluded myself from tons of activities. During this past year my diet has been extremely limited. I am very limited in the sports I can play. Put these thoughts together and you can quickly see how the self pity inside my head can really start pushing aside all the positives that I still have in my life. When I find myself spiraling around negative thoughts of what I can’t do I force myself to quickly start doing something that I can do and enjoy…like a walk, or eat a treat or go for a walk outside with Tracey or a friend or neighbour.

  8. Play. Just play. Play, play and play. It’s good socially, physically and mentally. Even if you don’t win.

  9. Feel sad. Or Shitty. Or mad. Or frustrated. Feel all the feels. By allowing yourself to feel all the feels you give yourself the opportunity to shed some of the negative. Feel the feels, then start the process of understanding the feels. This is the way to feeling better. It’s a process. And we need to know the range of feels in order to appreciate and get to the positive feels.

  10. Be better. Follow the Kaizen ethos of continual improvement. Always try to improve upon your situation, yourself or you interaction with outside forces. I’ve found thru my journey that I’m always being presented with a new challenge and I do my best to manage it better than the last challenge. The only person you should compare yourself to is you. Be a better you every chance you can.

I know this all sounds trite, and on the surface even I can see that, but I’m pretty sure if you practice these 10 points I bet you become a better, happier version of yourself. Regardless of your situation.

A New Year

Strep Eve