
Sometimes everything just lines up nicely and you get to enjoy a truly special set of moments.

As much as I am truly missing my family and friends out at the cottage - I have been really fortunate to be able to build some awesome memories/moments based on the last minute decision to come home.

The last two days with my brothers and their family have been exquisite, if I can use that word when discussing those meatheads.

Three days ago I was having a very difficult time walking as I had started a regimen to get physical after having been bedridden, weak and fatigued. I kinda went from 0-100. But I swear I could hear muscles gasping last breaths as they atrophied and disappeared so immediate action was required. I walked a lot in three days and then I started doing leg exercises as well.

Then I broke myself and realized I went to far and that wasn’t good with two games of golf around the corner. So I took a day, chilled, read a book, stretched, tried to nap and bam, that next morning I woke up, legs were fine, stomach was feeling more normal, I wasn’t dragging myself around and had a lot of energy.

And the adventures with the boys began and they did not disappoint.

As I was sitting at the dinner table last night I was marvelling at what had transpired in the last couple of weeks and was super stoked to be able to enjoy this precious time on our annual Button Brothers Golf weekend. The fact they were able to quickly adjust schedules and be in Calgary to play was impressive.

Lots and lots of laughs, but really what I experienced was a deep and renewed respect for my brothers and an even deeper sense of joy that moments like these are still able to happen. Even when shit goes a bit sideways we always seem to find a way to line up the moments.

And for that I am truly full of gratitude.

ERCP Update
