The Family Unicorn

The Unicorn in Jil’s hand.

The Unicorn in Jil’s hand.

Recently my niece Jil went through 6 months of dealing with a Molar pregnancy and has finished six sessions of chemo. At this point her blood analysis tell us that the chemo has done its job and she is cleared. I’m so proud of her as she had to manage this while raising a three year old and a busy job. Oh, and manage Ryan. :-)

Below is a story written by Jil that she put on her Facebook page. It includes the origin story of the unicorn from my brother Hal (aka Chemosabe):

The Unicorn & Power of Family.

This unicorn has a three generation history of providing energy and healing to the Button Family. I was lovingly gifted this which I took with me to each chemo trip as did @jimbutton.

Here is the story from my Uncle Hal explaining the history of the Button Family Unicorn.


I (Hal) started carrying the unicorn with me when I flew out to visit Mom when she had cancer. I wanted her to hold it while I visited, transferring her loving energy to the unicorn. I would take it with me when I left from the visit. I carried it with me as a constant reminder of Mom.

My last visit with Mom, we both knew that when I left for Belize that winter we may not be seeing each other again. I left her with the unicorn and made her promise to hold it every day, and transfer her positive loving thoughts.

Mom passed away that spring.

During that time I was giving my philanthropy seminars. The common theme of my philanthropy was family legacy planning and I used the unicorn as a prop and would emotionally share our story.

Then we were hit by the the Big C again with Brother Jim. I truly believe that some of Mom’s energy is housed within that unicorn. I would carry the unicorn with me on every Chemo visit I made with Jim. It was very comforting playing with the unicorn during these chemo sessions.

Last winter I was confronted with a similar situation as I had with Mom. I was heading to Belize for the winter and wouldn’t be around for my weekly visits with Jim. So many questions, so much uncertainty.

The obvious solution was to solicit the power of the unicorn. I packaged the unicorn with some chemo cookies and gave it to Jim. Jim was given instructions, to hold the unicorn, think of our Loving Mom and transfer his Love and healing energy to the unicorn.

We were all shocked once again when our beautiful niece announced that she had been diagnosed with cancer. Jim knowing the power of the unicorn and a grandma’s love passed the power of the unicorn to Jil to hold as she dealt with her chemo and side effects.

God bless the power of the unicorn and a families love.

Love Hal


I took the Unicorn to each chemo session and channeled it's energy everyday. I also counted each of the stones that circles the Unicorns neck like a necklace. This mantra was extra poignant for me as the number of stones equalled the number of lost loved ones due to cancer.

Both my Grampie and Grammie, both my Mom’s grandparents and the 3 grandparents on Ryan's side passed from Cancer. I used it as a way to channel all their energy through Grammie via our family Unicorn.

Here are some photos to add to the story. These are photos of the chemo cookie and unicorn, my Uncle Hal (Chemosabe), my granmmie who is the beautiful women on the @villagebrewery Blonde Beer cans & box and my Dad with Grammie and Grampie.


Jil I’m very proud of you and your tenacity. These treatments are not easy but with a positive attitude, a loving support system and a magical unicorn you will always be in a better spot to manage the adventure.

Uncle Jim

Steve Jobs

In Between