
I’m not 100% sure what is happening but I suspect pancreatitis has reared it’s ugly head again. Spent the majority of the night in significant pain in the upper abdomen.

Yesterday I went in for chest X-rays and sinus X-rays for a different challenge as the stomach pain wasn’t as severe at that time.

But the abdominal pain came on fast. I suspect there may be a correlation between the cough and phlegm and the abdominal pain but for now all I can do is take painkillers and wait for the result.

The funny thing is that I was complaining about nausea, fatigue and joint pain from the chemo, now those are secondary - which is kinda a good lesson for managing your life.

I’ll post once I know more.

UPDATE: 12:29pm

Spoke with Dr. R and he suggested I go in to emerg to be checked out, but from the sounds of it he is also concerned with dehydration.

After two hours in energy triage I now have a bed and just gave blood for the lab. Tracey kindly came with me and is at my beside. Pain increased while sitting in the chair but slightly better now that I am lying down. Will be getting IV saline shortly I presume.

Hospital Update

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