Hospital Update


Last night I was able to to go home around 8pm after multiple tests including a CT scan. They couldn’t find any answers for why I felt so bad and they knew I’d rather go home than stay in emerg. It was a 10 hour adventure already!

Last night around 2am I started shivering (rigors) uncontrollably and continued till we got to the hospital emergency around 9:30am. At the time my temp was 39.5 degrees Celsius.

Its presently 9:30 pm and I have had every test imaginable, lab work, blood culture, another X-ray, urine test, ultrasound, heart monitor and more.

I’ve had three different antibiotics, some steroids and am on my fourth bag of saline and now switching to ringers lactate.

We are hopeful I am going to be put into a hospital room as emerg is nuts with pings, buzzers, people throwing up, people yelling and is generally very very loud and bright.

We still haven’t figured out where the infection is so I will be under observation all night.

I do need to say that I know my body very well hence the reason for going on yesterday, but I was just one day early for them to detect anything (rigors and fever help prove sickness tho).


After four days in the hospital, two of them in the emergency ward and one in luxurious private room I was finally released. We couldn’t accurately pinpoint the cause of the infection but had some possibilities. We know through a sinus X-Ray that I have compacted sinus and it is infected and being treated but it couldn’t be the source of the fever and rigors. At this point it doesn’t matter to me as I’m out again - four days is close to my shortest time but they never get easy in the joint. Actually that’s not fair, the team of nurses and an amazing entrant on the scene was Dr. J S, he was as complete a Doctor that I have met in the system and I am thankful for the dialogue and humour.

I’m out in time for Christmas and that’s what counts.

Gratitude Season
