My GI team is awesome!!
I’m very happy to have gone through the process of the last few weeks. I’ve had some tough days and now seem to be on a nice string of good health days. It always gives me an appreciation for how lucky I am. Period.
The results of the scan in tandem with feeling very poor from completing another antibiotic trip had me wondering if this was going to be the new normal. It was a tough couple of months and while I was dealing with it I was questioning the process. I knew I had to do it in order to stay alive but argh. Yes that’s it. Argh.
Now it feels like I’m out on the other side again. The results of the endoscopy were tremendous. The pancreatic tumour has actually reduced in size and Dr. M can now see the base of the pancreatic duct, the tumour has not constricted the pathway in the duodenum and the medical team is thrilled.
I am now focusing on diet. A low residue low fibre diet will reduce the probability of things getting caught up in the existing scenario. We believe the latest infections have been due to temporary blockages due to food. Or at least that’s the latest theory.
As we thought the tumour was blocking the duodenum I had doubled my chemo dose thinking I needed a more aggressive approach to the treatment. I’m still doubling the dose as I feel maybe, just maybe I can reduce the tumour a bit more. It will all depend on the side effects of course.
Either way, good news all around.
Scope images…