Christmas Miracle

There is a scene in the movie Hector and the Search for Happiness where they have electrodes attached to his brain and are measuring his emotions. The machine is in overdrive and he is obviously in peak emotion.

I felt like that tonight. It was like every emotion was exploding out of my body. I was watching Tracey, Jack and Amanda in the kitchen cleaning up after our Christmas dinner.

The dinner was Tracey’s best ever and I’m not even exaggerating, the gift giving was so fun to watch and the spirit in everyone’s heart was palpable.

I think back to early November when we were talking about me lasting a day or two in Hospice. Then my goal was to stay alive beyond Tracey’s birthday. So to be at home sitting on my lazy boy drinking a rum and Coke while watching all the Christmas chaos was beyond any Christmas miracle I could have imagined.

Got back to the Hospice, called all the nurses in to my room as they were all a huge part of the day, and I knew they would want to hear all the details, I opened up my Christmas Toffifee box and we all celebrated our success.

Seriously who gets all this joy packed into a day!?!

NYE Getaway
