Kar for Kidney


Last week we donated our mini van to the Kidney Foundation. It’s a great way to support the Foundation while unloading a vehicle that no longer makes sense to keep in the family.

Now that Jack and Amanda are off at University we just don’t need the van and it’s nice to have a spot open up on the street in front of our house.

While all of the above is nice, it was a bit of a sad moment giving the trusty steed away. That minivan had so many great family memories. Memories like the passenger side window being stuck on a very rainy trip down to Fernie and Tracey being absolutely soaked while we all laughed at the predicament. Or the way we built a porta potty for Amanda in the back so she didn’t have to go out in the cold snow to pee. Or discovering items in the van in the last year while Jack was the primary driver.

Happy sad moment.

But it sure is nice knowing that we are helping the Kidney Foundation. Check it out if you need to dispose of a vehicle, it’s super convenient and comes with a tax receipt.

Oh, and as a reminder, this whole journey started with a tumour on my kidney. So it’s even more relevant to us.

Dizzy Jim

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