Dizzy Jim


On Sunday, when I was sleeping, I rolled over and yelped. The kind of noise you make when you are just about to fall over something like a curb, getting out of the bathtub or a scary cliff. The noise jumped out of my mouth as I had the feeling of falling and spinning at the same time.

I didn’t really think anything of it until it happened again the when I rolled back the other way. Then it happened again, and each time I rolled over. The whole room and bed just kept spinning.

So I stopped moving as it made me want to throw up.

When I got out of bed I was off balance and my vision was ever changing.

Again I put it off to other factors. In other words I ignored it and hoped it would go away.

But the next night the same thing. And this time as I lay staring at the ceiling I of course gave it two options; either it’s vertigo or an inner ear due to the virus I was battling with, or it was a brain tumour.

Yup, I thought just maybe it’s moved to my brain the same way that 1kidneyMike’s did.

So I called Dr R and we discussed it. After asking a bunch of questions about other activities, pain, etc his conclusion was that it’s an inner ear challenge. Actually what he said was something like this ‘I’m pretty sure this is happening as your inner ear is subject to the virus. Let’s watch it for a week before we start jumping to conclusions on other things it could be’.

We both knew what he was talking about but the mention of it was akin to saying Voldemort out loud. So I said Voldemort and we both laughed as we understood the scene.

So for now I’m just dizzy from this darn phlegmatic cold.

And Voldemort is being told the party was cancelled so no need to visit.


Kar for Kidney