

Back in the summer I gave a TedX talk. The talk actually came at a tough time and I recall Tracey dropping me off at the back stage just prior to my talk as I had very little energy.

For 20 minutes they fed me fruit and juices to help me with the fainting sensation (thought maybe it was a low blood sugar level).

When it came time to talk they had a chair ready in case I needed to sit or hold on to it. I walked a windy path to the red circle and began my speech.

When it was over I breathed a sigh of relief as I wasn’t sure I would be able to finish it, but I did.

When people asked how it went I always said ‘I think it went well?’

After seeing it I can see where I gapped, but all in all I’m happy with my discombobulated Ted.

Jim’s TedX Talk


In Between

Dizzy Jim