
Photo: Neil Zeller

Photo: Neil Zeller

I saw this photo taken while five of us were on google hangout this evening. And the more I looked at it the more I realized how lucky I am with friendships.

I started today with a lovely breakfast made by my wife. I love her to the moon and back, and still have enough love to get me there and back like at least two more times. A close friend once told me everything good comes in threes.

After that great start I had some laughs on the ‘In the Neighbourhood’ show, a two hour FaceTime with six long time friends from back in my Ontario days, a walk with my sweetie, a visit from Maria and Terry and this photo chat you see above. Now I’m playing online pool with my son.

In my Covid books that’s called a good day for sure. But when I was looking at this picture I saw how much we were laughing.

And that made me smile again.

But after a bit more thought it dawned on me that every one of the conversations today ended with ‘love you’ or ‘love you guys’ or some combination using the word love.

They weren’t ‘have a great night’ or ‘have a great day’. They were genuine signs of affection that you get when talking with someone close to you.

And it was at that moment of introspection that I realized how lucky I truly am.

Actually we’ll really know I’m lucky if this 56 year old can beat a 20 year old in online pool.

But either way, before we say goodnight we’ll also have said ‘I love you’.

Truly lucky.

