There is a difference between a sprint and a marathon.
There is a difference between a sprint and a marathon.
Like a billion ants crawling over the thousands of mosquito bites…
Ok, a bit dramatic, but playing is proof that I am living.
Today is Yesterday’s Tomorrow.
To change or not to change. That was the question.
Maybe it’s the chemo, maybe it’s the 3 litres of water?
Packing in as much as I can. While I can.
Standing on shoulders of giants.
Smell is the sense with the longest memory.
The healing of traditions, friends & nature.
The future ain’t what it used to be.
An extension of Gather With Jim. Video style.
Nothing is going according to ‘the plan'.
It’s a daily grind. But it’s my grind.
Learning more about life through death.
Temsirolimus, the newest form of water torture.
It kinda seemed like I still have it.
A fine balance is difficult to calibrate.
Does my latest collaboration change who I am?
Second recliner session was a ten coupon ride!